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Columbite Specifications



Columbite traded on the international market normally contains a minimum of 50% Nb2O5 and 5% Ta2O5. Lower grade material, below 50% Nb2O5 and 5% Ta2O5, is also traded, but at a discount. Columbite is bought and sold based on the Nb2O5 + Ta2O5 content, known as Combined Pentoxide (CPO). Ta2O5 is not individually paid in columbita transactions.


Columbite Radiation

Tantalite and columbite (coltan) often contain the naturally occurring radioactive elements Thorium (ThO2) and Uranium (U308). Suppliers will need to have their materials analyzed for ThO2 + U308 levels prior to loading and shipping. Materials that contain >0.12% ThO2 and >.08% U308 would need further processing prior to shipping. 


Columbite Valuation 

The value of a load of columbite is calculated based on the amount of Nb2O5 + Ta2O5 (CPO) the load contains, not the gross weight of the load. To obtain the amount of Nb2O5 + Ta2O5 in the load, simply multiply the gross weight of the material weight by the Nb2O5 + Ta2O5 % in the load. 


Example: 10,000kg of material x 55% CPO = 5,500kg of contained CPO


Then convert kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs). Tantalite and columbite have always been quoted in $/lb of Ta2O5 or Nb2O5 and this is not likely to change in the near future.


5,500kg CPO x 2,20462 = 12,125 lbs. CPO (rounded down)


In this example, we will use a hypothetical purchase price of $6.50/lb per CPO. The calculation for this lot of material would be:


12,125 lbs CPO x $6.50/lb CPO = $78,812


Contact us today:

To obtain pricing for your tantalite and columbite materials, please send current analysis, photos, quantities, location information to



Do you have Tantalite or Columbite? CONTACT US.
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